popcorn movie

Also found in: Idioms.

popcorn movie

(Film) a film that appeals to a mass audience
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References in periodicals archive ?
It's a proper old-school popcorn movie, which they don't make a lot of these days.
"Godzilla: King Of Monsters" is a popcorn movie of the highest order.
"The Last Second" is a perfect example of a popcorn movie in print form, and their latest in this series arguably is the best one to date.
Captain Marvel is a crowd-pleasing stand-alone popcorn movie which ties in nicely with April's highly anticipated Avengers: Endgame.
It works, but as an average, style-over-substance popcorn movie.
He added: "I enjoyed 'Ocean's Eight' and it is a bit of a popcorn movie and was good entertainment.
The beginning of the popcorn movie season has been Josh Brolin's to own so far, but this month, another franchise-heavy actor might have something to say about that.
Sarah, who is from Stockton where she used to run the popular Popcorn movie memorabilia store in the town, now runs Lovebomb Cushions.
The rare popcorn movie to score awards attention, it's already hit home entertainment platforms.
If you're in the mood for a good popcorn movie, this action thriller will fit the bill.
And so, as mad as Non-Stop gets at 35,000 feet, Liam Neeson is just the man to make sure your Saturday night popcorn movie has the "pops" factor.
So clearly with its daft plot, cartoonish script and expensive effects, this is a very glossy popcorn movie. Taken at that level, it is absolutely fine and quite a bit of fun.