Pope John

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Related to Pope John: Pope John XII


, John 1822-1892.
American Union general in the Civil War who was defeated by Gen. Robert E. Lee at the Second Battle of Bull Run (1862).
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Josemaria Escriva's side remark to Pope John Paul II during gathering of university students from different part of the world in Rome in 1980.
He recalled that the motto of Pope Francis' journey to Bulgaria was the title of Pope John 23's Encyclical, titled "Peace on Earth." This demonstrates the desire of Pope Francis to mark his visit to Bulgaria under the sign of peace that was so dear to Angelo Roncalli, ten years of apostolic legacy in Bulgaria, and then Pope John the 23rd, Bishop Hristo Proikov said.
Manila Archbishop Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle called on the Catholic faithful to not fear and continue to spread the word of God, just like Saint Pope John Paul II has done.
Pope John Paul II travelled to many countries, but his one trip to Cardiff will always be remembered for the hundreds of thousands of people it attracted from all over the UK.
It will be the first trip by a Pontiff since Pope John Paul II brought the country to a standstill in August 1979.
More than 7,000 people queued to see the pictures from Alexandra Palace on sets at the Pope John Paul I 1978 Cardinal Albino Luciani was elected Pope John Paul I.
A cloth with a drop of blood from former Pope John Paul II has been stolen from Cologne Cathedral, German police said on Sunday.
POPE John Paul POPE John Paul II may have been involved in a forbidden romance with a married woman, according to new claims.
"In 1995, I was here, a security guard, when Pope John Paul II visited," he said, smiling.
Mehmet Ali Agca, the gunman who attempted to assassinate Pope John Paul II on May 1981, wishes to meet Pope Francis in Turkey on Nov.
They were, of course, Pope John XXIII, whose pontificate lasted from 1958-1963, and Pope John-Paul II, who was in papal office from 1978-2005, nearly 27 years.