political system

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Noun1.political system - the members of a social organization who are in power
social group - people sharing some social relation
party, political party - an organization to gain political power; "in 1992 Perot tried to organize a third party at the national level"
political entity, political unit - a unit with political responsibilities
autocracy, autarchy - a political system governed by a single individual
constitutionalism - a constitutional system of government (usually with a written constitution)
republic, democracy, commonwealth - a political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them
diarchy, dyarchy - a form of government having two joint rulers
gerontocracy - a political system governed by old men
gynarchy, gynecocracy - a political system governed by a woman
hegemony - the dominance or leadership of one social group or nation over others; "the hegemony of a single member state is not incompatible with a genuine confederation"; "to say they have priority is not to say they have complete hegemony"; "the consolidation of the United States' hegemony over a new international economic system"
mobocracy, ochlocracy - a political system in which a mob is the source of control; government by the masses
oligarchy - a political system governed by a few people; "one of his cardinal convictions was that Britain was not run as a democracy but as an oligarchy"; "the big cities were notoriously in the hands of the oligarchy of local businessmen"
plutocracy - a political system governed by the wealthy people
republic - a form of government whose head of state is not a monarch; "the head of state in a republic is usually a president"
technocracy - a form of government in which scientists and technical experts are in control; "technocracy was described as that society in which those who govern justify themselves by appeal to technical experts who justify themselves by appeal to scientific forms of knowledge"
theocracy - a political unit governed by a deity (or by officials thought to be divinely guided)
social organisation, social organization, social structure, social system, structure - the people in a society considered as a system organized by a characteristic pattern of relationships; "the social organization of England and America is very different"; "sociologists have studied the changing structure of the family"
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References in classic literature ?
It would be very difficult for any modern political system, however perfect people may think it, to work once more such miracles as were wrought in those ages when the Church as the stay and support of the human intellect."
In my opinion, a man who has thought out a political system, and who is conscious that he has within him the power of applying it in practical politics, should keep his mind to himself, seize his opportunity and act; but if he dwells in peaceful obscurity as a simple citizen, is it not sheer lunacy to think to bring the great mass over to his opinion by means of individual discussions?
The introduction attains its most malevolent development in this century, being, indeed, closely related to our political system. Every American being the equal of every other American, it follows that everybody has the right to know everybody else, which implies the right to introduce without request or permission.
He had made up his mind exactly what he thought of each country, of their political systems, of their social life, of their military importance.
Thus, if the two old bachelors had not been kept asunder by the two political systems of which they each offered a living expression, their private rivalry would still have made them enemies.
Scholars in the country have observed that Nigerian political system, as it is being run at levels of government in the country, is not efficient enough to drive home the desired sustainable Development goals actualization in spite of so much fund being allegedly committed to the system by various administrations since 1999.
The present political system has been imposed by the Westerners and along with the political system, they have introduced perversions in all sectors.
While it is difficult to predict what path this story will take, it highlights something we tend to forget: the fragility of the Chinese political system.
WARRINGTON South MP Faisal Rashid says abuse has "no place" in the political system.
The Iraqi Forum said on Tuesday that it does not belong to a political party or bloc and that its work aimed at amending the political system on the basis of integrity.
Summary: New Delhi [India], Feb 8 (ANI): Chief Election Commissioner Sunil Arora on Thursday said that simultaneous elections are "desirable goals", but for that, the political system of the country will have to take steps to align the life of a state assembly with the life of Parliament.
The political system of a country must respond to the needs of the people and fulfil their aspirations by keeping overall stability in society while ensuring development in all spheres of human activity.