pit disaster


pit disaster

n (Min) → Grubenunglück nt
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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It's almost certain that some of those pictured will have lost relatives and loved ones in the disaster of 1893 GAVIN CASTLE Keith Shaw (left) and Peter McVeigh, organisers of a concert in memory of those who died in the Thornhill Pit Disaster Mrs Harriet Wood (seated), who lost husband William and two sons John and Friend in the disaster, with her four remaining children GAVIN CASTLE
| 1913: Britain's worst pit disaster took place at Senghenydd, Glamorgan - 439 died after an explosion.
The memorial to the Pretoria Pit disaster, where 344 people died, was held at Ditchfield Garden, Westhoughton, on Thursday.
APS5,000 appeal has been launched to build a memorial to the 38 people who died in a 'forgotten' North East pit disaster nearly 200 years ago.
This year's project focused on the Senghenydd Pit disaster in 1913.
" The 80th anniversary of the Gresford pit disaster - which claimed the lives of 266 miners - was marked two months ago.
Soma was on virtual lock-lock down in a ban on protests at government handling of Turkey's worst pit disaster.
SOBBING relatives of a pit disaster victim paid tribute to an "adored partner and devoted father" at an emotional funeral service yesterday.
THE gang who stole a halfton bronze statue dedicated to 47 miners who lost their lives in a pit disaster could be nailed by CCTV pictures.
The Welsh pit disaster village of Aberfan was mourning the death of Baptist minister, Rev Kenneth Hayes, who led a tireless campaign to help bereaved families.
The final track of the album, Halt the Wagons, pays homage to the 180th anniversary of the Huskar Pit disaster, when 26 children working in the South Yorkshire mine lost their lives after a freak storm flooded the shaft.