Pit River

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A river, about 260 km (160 mi) long, of northeast California flowing southwest to Shasta Lake on the Sacramento River.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Born into the Achumawi and Atusgewi tribes (often called the Pit River Nation) of northeastern California, Wilson's early years were spent with his parents and eight brothers and sisters in a life rich in a Native American tradition.
In this case, the Pit River Tribe and various environmental organizations (187) (collectively, Pit River) brought suit against the United States Bureau of Land Management's (BLM) in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of California.
Parks is president of the Pit River Rod and Gun Club, which has drawn protests for its coyote hunts based in the Modoc County town of Adin.
In 2007 or 2008, says Yellow Old Woman, a delegation from the Pit River Museum, in Oxford, England, came to Alberta to learn more about an extensive collection of Blackfoot shirts Pit River had.
The plants were sold in 1927 to someone along the Pit River in northern California and delivered there by a neighbor's Model T truck.
Shortly after, she began working in pre-school and adult education programs in the Pit River Tribe of California.
Three years later, in 1917, Joerger used his life savings to purchase some ranch lands at the junction of the Pit River and one of its tributaries, Hat Creek.
It serves as home to a confederation of seven tribes (Yuki, Wylaki, Nomalaki, Pomo, Pit River, Concow, and Little Lakes) collectively known at the Round Valley Indian Tribes (RVIT).
Also noteworthy is de Angulo's finding of folk taxonomies for automobile engine parts based on anatomical comparisons among the Pit River Indians.
The Pit River and other tribes have used it since time immemorial for ceremonies and healing.