payment by results

Also found in: Medical, Financial, Acronyms.
Related to payment by results: outpatient waiting times, waiting lists

payment by results

(Industrial Relations & HR Terms) a system of wage payment whereby all or part of the wage varies systematically according to the level of work performance of an employee
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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If payment by results was criteria for retaining employment or political office, some would have gone long ago.
Payment by Results and Social Impact Bonds: Outcome-Based Payment Systems in the UK and US
The three-year contract has been awarded under a Payment By Results model, meaning Home Group will only be paid if it can prove it has had a positive impact on people's lives.
Unit costs across all sectors will be reduced by implementing the most efficient delivery models making effective use of the market and using 'payment by results'.
Housing related support payment by results pilots are nearing conclusion in ten regions and housing associations are looking for ways of assisting vulnerable tenants through the process of welfare reform.
The Pontypridd Labour MP said ministers ignored pilots to see whether payment by results actually works and "they are proposing that probation services deal with thousands of extra offenders a year without a guarantee of additional funding".
Lower-risk offenders will be supervised by private firms and charities on a payment by results basis as part of a major shake-up of rehabilitation unveiled yesterday.
Justice Secretary Chris Grayling wants contractors to provide a system of "payment by results" contracts as part of a shake-up.
COVENTRY is set to test a new system of payment by results for getting drug and alcohol users into work.
He added that Doncaster prison will become the first to be run on a "payment by results" basis, with contractor Serco getting its full payment only if reoffending rates are reduced.
The new work programme, set to be activated this summer, will for the first time use a system of "payment by results" and these agencies are far from happy that the bar has been raised to a level way beyond their comfort zone.