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1.(Mil.) In the United States army, an officer of the rank of brigadier general, who commands the pay department, which is charged with the payment of the officers and men.
2.In Great Britain, an officer of the Treasury who makes all payments and disbursements, civil as well as military. He is a member of the ministry, but not of the cabinet.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Paymaster-General Dawn Primarolo said that the system was popular with recipients as she announced figures showing that 95pc of those the Government expected to reach within a year were already receiving the credits.
MANY people in London are asking if Roman Abramovich, the new paymaster-general at Chelsea, is going to be good in the long run for English football.
The former paymaster-general's election agent Cllr Margaret Lancaster (Lab, Holbrook) described the debate as "low priority''.
Paymaster-General Ms Dawn Primarolo dismissed suggestions that the proposed EU-wide "witholding tax", which would close a loophole that allows some EU citizens to avoid paying tax on interest from savings, was evidence of such a trend.
The former paymaster-general was already facing a DTI inquiry into other aspects of his running of the Midlands firm, which he founded and made his fortune.
The Tories will also want to know whether Mr Brown knew about the commercial links between his girlfriend and Robinson when he fought to protect the former Paymaster-General's job for most of last year.
The report was into Hollis Industries, a firm owned by crooked tycoon Robert Maxwell and chaired by multi-millionaire former Paymaster-General Mr Rob-inson.
Mr Robinson was forced to resign as Paymaster-General after a row over his pounds 373,000 home loan to Peter Mandelson - but he rejects speculation that his book will include an attack on the new Ulster Secretary.
And his controversial personal background is to star in a new book by Geoffrey Robinson, the former Paymaster-General who was forced to resign with Mandy last Christmas.
Mr Robinson was made Paymaster-General after the 1997 General Election, a post he held until last Christmas when he quit after it emerged he had lent pounds 373,000 to then Trade Secretary Mr Peter Mandelson.
If they decide he has, Paymaster-General Robinson faces the sack.
Today, detectives refused to confirm or deny reports in the Sunday Times that they have now interviewed the former Paymaster-General.