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also pas·ser-by  (păs′ər-bī′, -bī′)
n. pl. pas·sers·by also pas·sers-by (păs′ərz-)
A person who passes by, especially casually or by chance.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


or pass•er-by

(ˈpæs ərˈbaɪ, -ˌbaɪ, ˈpɑ sər-)

n., pl. pass•ers•by or pass•ers-by (ˈpæs ərzˈbaɪ, -ˌbaɪ, ˈpɑ sərz-)
a person passing by.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.passerby - a person who passes by casually or by chancepasserby - a person who passes by casually or by chance
pedestrian, footer, walker - a person who travels by foot
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
Archer walked away a few steps, staring with radiant unseeing eyes at the passersby, who, in their turn, paused to stare at the unwonted sight of a fashionably- dressed lady writing a note on her knee on a bench in the Common.
He vanished in the stream of passersby, and Archer resumed his patrol.
He meant to shoot himself at six o'clock and would, if he had strength, fire a shot through the window in the hope that passersby might come in and see him `before life was extinct,' as he wrote.
"Hold!" cried Robin; "I am in charge of the highway this day, and must exact an accounting from all passersby."
On every piece of waste or common ground, some small gambler drove his noisy trade, and bellowed to the idle passersby to stop and try their chance; the crowd grew thicker and more noisy; gilt gingerbread in blanket-stalls exposed its glories to the dust; and often a four-horse carriage, dashing by, obscured all objects in the gritty cloud it raised, and left them, stunned and blinded, far behind.
The passersby glanced in wonder at the sullen heavy youth who, in coarse, ill-fitting clothes, was in the company of such a graceful, refined-looking girl.
It was a small piece of perhaps a score of elders and hawthorns and a few young ashes, not thick enough to veil us from passersby upon the road or beach.
We no longer suffer them to appeal at the prison gates to the charity and compassion of the passersby; but we still leave unblotted the leaves of our statute book, for the reverence and admiration of succeeding ages, the just and wholesome law which declares that the sturdy felon shall be fed and clothed, and that the penniless debtor shall be left to die of starvation and nakedness.
Though it was anything but a hot day, Mr Meagles was in a heated state that attracted the attention of the passersby; more particularly as he leaned his back against a railing, took off his hat and cravat, and heartily rubbed his steaming head and face, and his reddened ears and neck, without the least regard for public opinion.
Once our holiday- makers saw a horse and cart, and once a youth riding a black horse amidst the badinage of the passersby. And there were several navigable gas air-ships, not to mention balloons, in the air.
Summary: Several passersby came to the woman's aid.
Thanks to Allah the Almighty, no other resident of the building or passersby were hurt due to the intensive firing from inside the place towards the street, he said.