

Capable of feeling or suffering; sensitive: a passible type of personality.

[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin passibilis, from Latin passus, past participle of patī, to suffer; see pē(i)- in Indo-European roots.]

pas′si·bil′i·ty n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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(8) Gregory Thaumaturgus, "To Theopompus, on the Impassibility and Passibility of God," in The Fathers of the Church, vol.
This raises intense debate about the passibility of God that falls outside the scope of this article.
Thinking through feeling; God, emotion and passibility.
On the other hand, those who defend God's passibility by arguing that God is inherently temporal risk implying that sin, suffering, and evil are constitutive of God (283-96).
Lieb's appropriate label for such language is theopatheia, "a new form of passibility" (146).
In so doing it posited no questions about the suffering and passibility of God.
only on the power of the agent, but also on the passibility of the
Timothy Reiss uses the idea of passibility (from patior, to endure) to sum up this idea of being acted upon.
The presence of polar functional groups on the polyesters and polyamides offers the passibility of both strong specific interactions and chemical reactions between the dissimilar polymers.