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1. The study and scholarly interpretation of earlier, especially ancient, writing and forms of writing.
a. The documents whose writing is so studied.
b. The manner of writing in an earlier, especially ancient, document or set of documents.

pa′le·og′ra·pher n.
pa′le·o·graph′ic (-ə-grăf′ĭk), pa′le·o·graph′i·cal (-ĭ-kəl) adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Historical Terms) a variant spelling of palaeographic
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
The dates of these remains is unknown, however, as construction techniques in Afghanistan remained largely constant across several centuries as well as regions, and no inscriptional evidence was found to provide paleographic or other chronological data.
Paleographic evidence suggests that the Paduan monk and copyist Rolando da Casale, who often signed his work, was more prolific and versatile than previously believed, competent in writing both music and multiple text styles.
Since the basic meaning of the word wen is '(decorative) pattern', it is not surprising that many paleographic accounts of the meaning of the graph involve the meaning 'pattern' in one way or another.
In the material archive documents assert their "thing-power" (to borrow from Jane Bennett), performing as well as recording: through their provision of representational space; their embodiment of abstract selfhood; and their ability to confound the reader through paleographic difficulty, formal strangeness, or other somatic challenges of size, colour, smell, and so on (Palacios 64-65).
The paleographic analysis shows that in form Zhen we have similarity of signs Zhen and dynes ("tripod", "firmness").
* Information and Media Professions: media specialist, page maker, paper pulp machine operator, bookbinding machine operator, decorative books operator, calendar operator, paper dyeing machine operators, bill printing machine operator, cylinder press operator, rotating press operator, offset printing machine operator, color press operator, paleographic press operator, paper folder machine operator, paper coating machine operator, and advertising agent
Hays, "Shakespeare's Hand Unknown in Sir Thomas More: Thompson, Dawson, and the Futility of the Paleographic Argument," Shakespeare Quarterly 67, no.
The author utilizes a broad array of sources: philosophical and literary writings, ritual manuals and dynastic histories, paleographic materials, and insights from archeological excavations.
Using paleographic comparisons, she demonstrates the likelihood that these deposits predate the structure and provide the earliest evidence of Buddhist practice in East Java.
From the paleographic point of view these relics of mainly marine sediments (near Jihlava, Moravske Budejovice and Znojmo, near Ceska Trebova and Lanskroun, within the Boskovice Furrow, in the Odra Hills and in the Nizky Jesenik Mts.) were mostly associated with foreland of the Carpathians.
New scientific analyses of the pigments and images, fresh paleographic evidence, and the resultant iconographic and thematic significance of what has been uncovered, strongly suggest that the scribe of the Pearl-Gawain manuscript, British Library, MS Cotton Nero A.x (art.3) and the person who made the underdrawings of the miniatures (as distinct from their coloring) could have been one and the same person.