

Past participle of overwear.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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- When the vehicle is maintained improperly (brake/tires overworn, abnormal tire pressure, etc.)
Until that happens, and it really does take flight as it heads towards a cliffhanging final battle, there is an overworn gag about Bilbo Baggins finding his home invaded by a bunch of ravenous dwarves.
The overworn cliche is that the Caravan is really nothing but an inflated 182 and although that overstates the case a little, it's not far off dead center, either.
WORCESTER - After watching Ben Affleck and his cronies knock over Fenway Park in "The Town" (2010), we may wonder what could possibly be left to excite us from the overworn genre of the heist movie.
But the dynamics of the situation in the region have changed, and this latest push to resuscitate negotiations, despite its overworn phrasebook, does appear to represent something new: a potential last chance for the US to hold its position as guarantor of the peace process before key players abandon it in search of other paths.
Those early overworn points of reference, though, continue to limit readings of Bishop's poetic engagement, of how this "poets poet" also responded critically to poetic models and precedents.(4) This essay, then, moves toward redressing that limitation by taking the hint of Paterson I in "In the Waiting Room."
Few things are cooler than an overworn shirt from a concert by the Stones, the Strokes, Led Zep etc.
(interview, 12/06) Leslie's student's frustration with her own literacy development was evident in her overworn and damaged erasers.
Last September we concluded HCW was "unfit for purpose" - that overworn but apt description of so many of Britain's current political structures.
The "American Mineral Treasures" project began with a brainstorm by Gene Meieran, quickly seized on by others, at the 2005 Tucson Show, and after three years of hard work by hundreds of people there came this year the triumphant result: 44 displays of minerals from major localities in the United States, and perhaps the most dazzling, valuable, stupendous (the usual workhorse superlatives seem overworn) group of mineral specimens ever assembled temporarily under one roof.
Running from Pugin to the present day, it is too wide, too questionable, and for the most part couched in overworn stylistic terms--Modernism, New Modernism, Expressionism, Rationalism.
Feste mocks such pat, or pet, theories: "I might say element, but the word is overworn" (3.1.58-59).