
Related to overwear: overwear syndrome


tr.v. o·ver·wore (-wôr′), o·ver·worn (-wôrn′), o·ver·wear·ing, o·ver·wears
To wear out; exhaust.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


vb (tr) , -wears, -wearing, -wore or -worn
to wear out
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The full list of Hamilton's special measures sees him save 10g from not having seams on his fireproof suit, 50g from putting shorter laces into his shoes, 2kgs from not having adrink in the car unless it is necessary and 650g from a new lighter race overwear.
The main considerations are: normal regular corneal thickness and shape; good tear production (in the absence of contact lens overwear and / or meibomian gland dysfunction both of which can and should be treated first); clear natural lenses; healthy maculae; no significant amblyopia; and refractive error within the safe range for surgery--normally between -10D to +4D and less than 6D of astigmatism.
Other behaviors reported included occasional overnight wear or napping in lenses (7.0%), overwear of lenses (wearing lenses for longer than the prescribed period) (7.9%), using expired lenses or products (0.7%), storing lenses in tap water (0.8%), and wearing lenses while swimming (0.9%) (Table 2).
(%) Any modifiable risk factor 270 (25.1) Extended wear ([dagger]) 121 (11.3) Occasional sleeping in contact lenses 75 (7.0) Overwear (i.e., longer than the prescribed period) 85 (7.9) Using expired lenses or products 8 (0.7) Storing lenses in tap water 9 (0.8) Wearing lenses while swimming 10 (0.9) Unspecified hygiene problem 12 (1.1) * These categories are not mutually exclusive.
Tick 27 best lingerie Underwear is just as important as overwear you know 31 best for denim Who's the jeanius?
'The big debate, of course, was whether my BBC Radio Wales colleague Kath Martyn's vest is underwear (and therefore should have come off by now) or overwear (in which case she would have licence to keep it on).
According to Tessa Jowell, Overwear Minister, "there is both the severe strain put on the NHS by people going down with avoidable colds, and the problems of social exclusion caused by overcoat deficiency among the less well-off.
Picture a 4" wide band of elastic with one or more gun pouches, worn "over the underwear but under the overwear."
Contact lens wearers may also observe haloes as a typical sign of overwear syndrome, whereby corneal oedema occurs from hypoxia, or due to contact lens trauma.