
(redirected from outspanned)
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1. an area on a farm kept available for travellers to rest and refresh animals
2. the act of unharnessing or unyoking
vb, -spans, -spanning or -spanned
3. (tr) to unharness or unyoke (animals)
4. (intr) to relax
[C19: partial translation of Afrikaans uitspan, from uit out + spannen to stretch]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


Past participle: outspanned
Gerund: outspanning

I outspan
you outspan
he/she/it outspans
we outspan
you outspan
they outspan
I outspanned
you outspanned
he/she/it outspanned
we outspanned
you outspanned
they outspanned
Present Continuous
I am outspanning
you are outspanning
he/she/it is outspanning
we are outspanning
you are outspanning
they are outspanning
Present Perfect
I have outspanned
you have outspanned
he/she/it has outspanned
we have outspanned
you have outspanned
they have outspanned
Past Continuous
I was outspanning
you were outspanning
he/she/it was outspanning
we were outspanning
you were outspanning
they were outspanning
Past Perfect
I had outspanned
you had outspanned
he/she/it had outspanned
we had outspanned
you had outspanned
they had outspanned
I will outspan
you will outspan
he/she/it will outspan
we will outspan
you will outspan
they will outspan
Future Perfect
I will have outspanned
you will have outspanned
he/she/it will have outspanned
we will have outspanned
you will have outspanned
they will have outspanned
Future Continuous
I will be outspanning
you will be outspanning
he/she/it will be outspanning
we will be outspanning
you will be outspanning
they will be outspanning
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been outspanning
you have been outspanning
he/she/it has been outspanning
we have been outspanning
you have been outspanning
they have been outspanning
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been outspanning
you will have been outspanning
he/she/it will have been outspanning
we will have been outspanning
you will have been outspanning
they will have been outspanning
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been outspanning
you had been outspanning
he/she/it had been outspanning
we had been outspanning
you had been outspanning
they had been outspanning
I would outspan
you would outspan
he/she/it would outspan
we would outspan
you would outspan
they would outspan
Past Conditional
I would have outspanned
you would have outspanned
he/she/it would have outspanned
we would have outspanned
you would have outspanned
they would have outspanned
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.outspan - remove the yoke or harness from; "outspan the draft animals"
animal husbandry - breeding and caring for farm animals
unyoke - remove the yoke from; "unyoke the cow"
unharness - remove the harness from; "unharness a horse"
inspan - attach a yoke or harness to; "inspan the draft animals"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


verb (S. African) relax, chill out (slang, chiefly U.S.), take it easy, loosen up, laze, lighten up (slang), put your feet up, hang loose (slang), let yourself go (informal), let your hair down (informal), mellow out (informal), make yourself at home Let's take a break and just outspan for a while.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
References in classic literature ?
The wagons were outspanned side by side with a space between them, and into this space the mob of thirty-six oxen was driven and there secured by reims tied crosswise from the front and hind wheels of the wagons.
"Oh, yes; he outspanned alongside of me for a fortnight to rest his oxen before going on to the interior.
In The Ivory Trail, T V Bulpin tells how the legendary ivory poacher Stephanus Cecil "Bvekenya" Barnard had once been camped near Crooks' Corner where Rhodesia, South Africa and Mozambique all came together when another trekker came along, outspanned, and pitched his camp nearby.