occupational psychology

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Related to occupational psychology: occupational therapy, social psychology

occupational psychology

(Psychology) the study of human behaviour at work, including ergonomics, selection procedures, and the effects of stress
occupational psychologist n
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Research presented at the British Psychological Society's occupational psychology conference in Brighton found that the relationship between staff and line managers was the most commonly reported cause of stress at work.
During 2009 the Centre for HR Consulting will launch specialised programs and workshops focusing on Competency Systems: Assessment & Development Centers; Psychometric Occupational Psychology; Organisational Competency Frames; Job Description Analysis; and Competency Based interviewing skills.- TradeArabia News Service
Alongside this development, the College of Occupational Psychology was renamed Organisational Psychology to reflect the interest of industrial and organisational psychologists.
Speaking at the Annual Conference of Occupational Psychology in Stratford-upon- Avon yesterday, Dr Stephen Woods, from Aston University, said a personality assessment of nearly 600 children in the 1950s and 1960s correlated with their career choices in later life.
"Being a model employee can backfire," says Angela Mansi, senior lecturer of occupational psychology at Westminster Business School.
The third broad category of occupational health involves occupational psychology, which examines how the psychological (decision latitude, job demands) or psychosocial (relationships with co-workers, work culture) aspects of the workplace promote or undermine the health and well-being of workers (Karasek & Theorell, 1990).
Ulster University's occupational psychology department found 47 per cent of 205 nurses questioned had been bullied at work and 55 per cent said they had witnessed a colleague being bullied.
This technique has been under-represented in occupational psychology usage, relative to other techniques like EFA, and, as such, this paper endearours to offer the practitioner and researcher familiarity with the "newer" methodological weapon in their arsenal.
This text is one of four books in the "essential business psychology" series which interprets and explains people's work behaviours from the perspective of occupational psychology. It is an interesting addition to the literature available on the management and development of healthy organizations.
"Business Interruption," "Violence in the Workplace," "USA Product Liability" and "Occupational Psychology & Risk Management" were other workshops involving brainstorming and information sharing - xercises in partnership.
Furnham argues that personality theory and occupational psychology have made little contact hitherto.
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