occupational hazard

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Related to occupational hazard: occupational disease
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.occupational hazard - any condition of a job that can result in illness or injuryoccupational hazard - any condition of a job that can result in illness or injury
endangerment, hazard, jeopardy, peril, risk - a source of danger; a possibility of incurring loss or misfortune; "drinking alcohol is a health hazard"
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occupational hazard

nrischio professionale
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in periodicals archive ?
Synopsis: "Occupational Hazard: An Al and Mick Forte Story" is story of two cousins, both of whom grew up back in the day on the mean streets of South Brooklyn, who team up against a powerful bully who will stop at nothing to defeat a foe.
For the men and women who risk their lives daily in the fire service, cancer is one silent occupational hazard that's growing steadily.
Yellow cards have become an occupational hazard for McGinn - he picked up 18 last season when he was at Hibs.
Ali Ashraf Naqvi, joint director at the labour department, said that Sindh had made the Sindh Occupational Hazard Safety Act in 2017 and there were also some 22 health and safety inspectors.
Mr Tobiko, who has been nominated as Cabinet Secretary for Environment and Forestry, told the Committee on Appointments that from his experience as the public prosecutor, allegations against him were an expected occupational hazard."Virtually all of us will be bedevilled by allegations of integrity issues.
This is an occupational hazard of a job that can have serious consequences for his future.
GRANT Leadbitter regards his ban for this weekend's trip to Huddersfield as an occupational hazard.
As a professional rugby league player I accept injury as an occupational hazard so to some extent I can be philosophical about it, but it's the timing that's a bit frustrating.
The NHRC is of the view that the occupational hazard of silicosis is preventable if the working conditions are property regulated and proper warning and protective equipments are used.

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