obsessive neurosis

Related to obsessive neurosis: hypochondriasis, anxiety neurosis

obsessive neurosis

n (Psych) → Zwangsneurose f
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Freud (1896) considered the presence or absence of affect to distinguish two forms of obsessive neurosis. A distinction was drawn between the emergence of a memory into consciousness, in the form of an obsessional idea, and the emergence of an obsessive affect of self-reproach.
Klein considered obsessive neurosis as rooted in the psychotic anxieties of the paranoid-schizoid position.
We return to our case example to illustrate Klein's understanding of obsessive neurosis. Margaret's washing compulsion was previously conceptualised in terms of classical theory and used to illustrate a conflation of mental reality with external reality.
If Gyllenhaal's Louis Bloom in "Nightcrawler" is all obsessive neurosis and self improvement-spewing dogma, his role as the doomed mountain climber Scott Fischer in "Everest," released in September, is characterized by utter repose and even a sense of grace when faced with his own mortality.
People who have these beliefs can become delusional and suffer from various psychological disorders including depres- sion, obsessive neurosis and introversion.
Can you liken "madness", "mental illness", "mental problems", "depression", "manic depression", "clinical depression", "schizophenia", "delusional disorders", "paranoia", "obsessive neurosis", "anxiety", "phobias", "psychosis" to a contagious disease?
Can you liken "madness", "mental illness", "mental problems", "depression", "manic depression", "clinical depression", "schizoprehenia", "delusional disorders", "paranoia", "obsessive neurosis", "anxiety", "phobias", "psychosis", to a contagious disease?
So Hersh had to reach deep into herself for this album, the follow-up to last year's Strange Angels and collection of Appalachian folk songs, and that is reflected in the disturbing subject matter - obsessive neurosis, sadism, masochism, parental guilt - wrapped up in a generous production (by Sheryl Crow's knob twiddler Trina Shoemaker) with Hersh's own wah-wah electric to the fore on several tracks, most effectively A Cleaner Light and Echo.

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