numerical scale

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numerical scale

See: scale.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
References in periodicals archive ?
Resistance to powdery mildew was visually evaluated on a numerical scale ranging from 1 to 5, selecting only plants with scores 4 and 5 (symptoms in only a few completely expanded leaves or absence of symptoms).
Numerical scale. Diversion of resources It is the frequency of cases in which, there are expenses without proof of the physical part or service rendered.
Conversion Scale for the Criterion Corporate Governance Segment Numerical Scale Tradicional 1 Nivel 1 3 Nivel 2 5 Novo Mercado 7 Table 4.
The numerical scale is not a basis for disqualification, unless (it reaches the level of five wherein) there is a diagnosable psychiatric disorder that would affect the stability of the candidate," Cayosa told lawmakers in the same hearing.
He advises aspiring actors to stay busy and go the extra mile to secure and inhabit a role, noting that he took rock-climbing lessons to score a candy commercial and clothed himself in live bees for an episode of "Malcolm." He also explains how he adopted a mindset that turns even unsuccessful auditions into personal victories and presents a numerical scale by which to judge whether or not a part is worth taking.
A numerical scale (1-9), also known as the Davis scale, was used to evaluate foliar feeding damage (Davis et al.
An earlier version of the question that measured favorability with a numerical scale not directly comparable to the current format found strong majorities of the U.S.
Accounting for both the intensity of extreme temperatures and the duration of the heat wave, the index ranked events from those years on a numerical scale from 1 to 32+ and then assigned them one of seven classifications ranging from "normal" to "ultra extreme."
The objective of this study was compare perception of Jordanian evaluators toward attractiveness of dental photographs of patients before and after anterior teeth alteration with composite resin restorations in sequence and randomly and between genders using a 10-point numerical scale.
First, we presented dot sets to participants and instructed them to indicate the numerosity of the sets on a 0-20 numerical scale. Later, we asked the participants to indicate on the same 0-20 scale the average numerosity between two sequentially presented dot sets.
This current re-aggravation was described as achy groin pain was rated as a 7 on a 10-point numerical scale. No ecchymosis was present and active and passive ROM of the hip displayed a decrease by 50% in adduction, abduction, and internal rotation.

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