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(ˈnʌm ɪk)

a branch of the Uto-Aztecan language family that includes Northern Paiute, Shoshone, Comanche, Southern Paiute, and Ute.
[1958; coined from nɨmɨ person (in several Numic languages)]
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He also found six cases of sister exchange and one case of marriage between children of cross-cousins from which he inferred that the system of cross-cousin marriage in Buin was 'disintegrating.' There are parallels to this process elsewhere in the world, for example in Munda and Numic kinship systems (Parkin 1992; Hage et al.
Allen's world-historical theory assumes irreversible rightward shifts away from the Dravidian pole as exemplified in the evolution of the Chinese (Feng 1937), Tibeto-Burman (Allen 1986), Algonquian (Hockett 1964; Wheeler 1982), Athapaskan (Krauss 1975), Numic (Hage et al.
Although their languages belong to the larger Uto-Aztecan language family, the Bannock spoke a dialect of Northern Paiute that is part of the Western Numic linguistic division.
The Red and the White: Color Symbolism," Hittman attempts a sort of structural analysis and comparison of the concepts of traditional Numic religion and the 1890 Ghost Dance that historians may find somewhat unconvincing.
Hittman points out that the Ghost Dance was a combination of elements from the traditional Numic shamanistic religion that Wovoka received from his father, minor influences from Wodziwob's 1870 Ghost Dance, and the Presbyterian Christianity that Wovoka was exposed to during his tenure with the Wilson family (where he received his vision).
"Direct European Transmission of Old World Pathogens to Numic Indians During the Nineteenth Century." American Indian Quarterly 19, no.
Stoffle, Richard, Kristine Jones, and Henry Dobyns 1995 "Direct European Immigrant Transmission of Old World Pathogens to Numic Indians During the Nineteenth Century." American Indian Quarterly 19(2): 181-203.
Mormons led by Brigham Young first colonized aboriginal lands of Numic speaking peoples in 1847.
The immigrants who traveled from Europe to the southern Numic territories in the Great Basin were primarily members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, typically recently converted by missionaries sent out by that church.
In other words, travelers other than Mormons carried communicable diseases into the territory of Numic speakers.
The place name Moapa is derived from the Numic language.