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An erythroblast, especially one that is developing normally, in contrast with an abnormal megaloblast.

[German Normoblast : norm(al), normal (from Late Latin normālis; see normal) + -blast, -blast (from Greek blastos, bud, germ).]

nor′·mo·blas′tic (-blăs′tĭk) adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


n. normoblasto, célula roja precursora de los eritrocitos en los humanos.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
(14) The infected erythroid precursors suffer arrest of maturation beyond the normoblast stage leading to the formation of giant pronormoblasts in the bone marrow and peripheral reticulocytopenia.
Periferik yaymasinda, %55 notrofil, %33 lenfosit, %12 normoblast ve parcalanmis eritrositler, dortlu trombosit kumeleri vardi.
Peripheral Blood Smear Examination (Under Leishman Stain) Hypochromia Target Cell Microcytosis Polychromasia Anisocytosis Normoblast Poikilocytosis Basophilic Stippling Spherocytes c.
Entube halde mekanik ventilatorde izlenen olgunun dogum sonrasi altinci saatinde bakilan hemograminda beyaz kure 74 600/[micro]L, hemoglobin 15,2 g/[micro]L, trombosit 417 000/[micro]L, periferik yaymada %44 polimorfonukleer lokosit, %18 lenfosit, %12 bant (olgunlasmamis/olgun hucre orani 0,27), %10 monosit, %16 promiyelosit, toksik granulasyon, %30 normoblast saptanirken blastik hucre yoktu.
As a possible factor associated with fetal anemia in the case of Kell alloimmunization is suppression of erythropoiesis, reticulocyte and normoblast counts are inappropriately low for the degree of fetal anemia in fetuses and neonates.
The function of erythropoietin is to stimulate erythropoiesis in the bone marrow by stimulating committed stem cells to proliferate and differentiate, decreasing erythroid precursor (normoblast) maturation time, increasing the rate of hemoglobin synthesis, and stimulating early release of bone marrow reticulocytes.
Bunun anlami bir normoblast eritrosit haline gelinceye kadar hemoglobini meydana getiren demir, protoporfirin ve alfa ve beta globin pargalarindan birisinde herhangi bir sebeple bir eksiklik olursa ortaya gikan kirmizi kan hucresinin MCH ve MCV'si kucuk olacak demektir.
In a parallel fashion, they proposed the term "rubricyte" instead of "normoblast" and "erythrocyte" instead of "red blood cell." But these recommendations were not as well received by the hematology community.
In the aspiration smear, 18% myelocyte, 35% metamyelocyte, 11% polymorphonuclear leukocyte, 28% lymphocyte, 2% normoblast, 1% monocyte, 1% eosinophil, and 4% lymphoblast-like cells were present.
(2) These inclusions appear in neutrophils and morphologically and cytochemically resemble Howell-Jolly bodies of normoblasts in abnormal erythropoiesis.