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(nɔːmɑ̃d; nɔːˈmænd)
(Breeds) a breed of cattle originating in Normandy
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Normande x Holstein###10###2, 150 +- 21###18.93 +- 4.40*###3.59 +- 0.58*###4.77 +- 0.16*###Kamila et al.
Stay seven nights in a cottage near Pont d'Ouilly in the Suisse Normande area in spring, four sharing.
Je suis tente par une reponse a la normande car d'un cote, a fin octobre 2018, les comptes du Tresor, font ressortir un deficit budgetaire en hausse de 1,2 milliard de DH sur un an glissant a 29,7 milliards de DH.
Canal Junction Farmstead's Normande cows graze mineral-rich pastures to produce the delicious milk used to make 100% grass-fed, raw milk cheeses, which include:
Barbeieri et al., "Genome-wide study of structural variants in Bovine Holstein, Montbeliarde and normande dairy breeds," PLoS One, vol.
Even though the large advantage of the Holstein breed for additive genetic merit for lactation milk yield, several dairy cattle crossbreeding experiments involving this breed along with Brown Swiss, Jersey, Normande and Montbeliarde have been performed to answer the question if crossbreds excel Holsteins in reproduction, health and survival.