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not subjective; objective
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.nonsubjective - undistorted by emotion or personal bias; based on observable phenomena; "an objective appraisal"; "objective evidence"
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The chosen measurement can be any nonsubjective measurement; for example, shell length, lip thickness, and shell weight were all used in an analysis of queen conch Lobatus (=Strombus) gigas populations (Baqueiro Cardenas & Aldana Aranda 2014).
Her notion that virtue ethics can offer a nonsubjective basis for the account of goodness rests on notions she calls "Aristotelian necessity" and "Aristotelian categoricals." (56) Foot seeks to ground virtue ethics on the notion of "kinds." Like MacIntyre, (57) she draws on the notion that, as beings with functions, there is a notion of good built into our very nature.
So, the weight factor of nonsubjective preference for indicator i is
There is also the recognition that nonsubjective, quantifiable indicators of biological activity for both preclinical nonhuman animals and patients, "biomarkers," are needed.
Though the importance of nonsubjective measures of PBA has been well established, to our knowledge this is the first study that confirmed how well the measured skills in the Quantitative Literacy VALUE Rubric fit together as a model of EQS.
This process adheres to the general direction of development from a nonsubjective to a subjective and intersubjective meaning in grammaticalization, as outlined for several English and Japanese cases by Traugott and Dasher (2002 : 34-40).
A nonsubjective assessment of bone healing, possibly at an early stage, is eagerly awaited by clinicians to predict treatment outcome, but currently, there is no reliable way to predict which patients will benefit from regenerative approaches.
Parikka also seems well aware of the potential critique of Ernst in terms of the absence of the political in his theories, but he praises Ernst's development of nonsubjective approaches to the study of media, for Ernst's "cold gaze," which allows him to examine technology at the level of signal processing and develop theories of microtemporality and time criticality.
The worm strives to be man simply because moving in form, not because sharing anything like tradition or organs: just nonsubjective intention.
The only other work in "Diorama," a new video piece, Music Box, 2015, is quintessential Dahlberg, with its simultaneously nonsubjective and uncanny viewpoint and its construction, in black and white, of space through a mix of animation with the use of indexical, documentary-style images.
This nonsubjective approach has been used in a number of prior studies of job disamenities [33-35].
The possible geological connotations of "vein" in Diomedes' denunciation of Helen's bawdy veins--metaphorically suggesting a liquid current or material deposit of infection within her body--contribute to the blurring of subjective and nonsubjective agencies described in this passage (OED vein n, II.6a, 7).