natural justice

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natural justice

(Law) the principles and procedures that govern the adjudication of disputes between persons or organizations, chief among which are that the adjudication should be unbiased and given in good faith, and that each party should have equal access to the tribunal and should be aware of arguments and documents adduced by the other
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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But to represent the Almighty as avenging the sins of the guilty on the innocent, was indecent, if not blasphemous, as it was to represent him acting against the first principles of natural justice, and against the original notions of right and wrong, which he himself had implanted in our minds; by which we were to judge not only in all matters which were not revealed, but even of the truth of revelation itself.
"Your father, a man of the last century, evidently stands above our contemporaries who so condemn this measure which merely reestablishes natural justice."
I know all that, for it is with the justice of all countries especially that I have occupied myself -- it is with the criminal procedure of all nations that I have compared natural justice, and I must say, sir, that it is the law of primitive nations, that is, the law of retaliation, that I have most frequently found to be according to the law of God."
The contrast between Singh and the Australian decisions shows that the Canadian Supreme Court emphasised the justice value of the natural justice principle and the human rights of the claimants, rather than the limits of the participation principle.
The fourth chapter attempts to rehabilitate Aristotle's theory of natural justice (stressing the virtue of epieikeia, or equity) and the book ends with a series of proposals for correcting the legal system.
They are also claiming that the university's investigation was a breach of natural justice because they have not been given the opportunity to defend themselves after being declared guilty.
Additionally, when judges supplant the ultimate law of natural justice with the lower dispensation of constitutional interpretation by judicial decree, they hazard more than demoralization of the democratic ethos.
"The proceedings and the order is clearly in violation of law of natural justice and fair play, ultra vires to the 10th Schedule of The Constitution of India and being outside the purview of the 'Members of Delhi Legislative Assembly (Disqualification on Grounds of Defection) Rules, 1996'," read the petition.
He pleads that the reopening of a closed inquiry is not only a violation of principle of natural justice and equity but also contrary to Article 13 of the Constitution read with section 403 of Cr.P.C.
The bench after analysing the relevant facts on record confirmed that the tribunal acted within the expected limits of natural justice and fair hearing.
It seems nature has a self-righting mechanism and the human race is being guided by natural justice to cease doing harmful things and inflicting instability on the rest of the natural world.