Natural product

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Nat´u`ral prod´uct

n.1.(Chem., Biochem.) A chemical substance produced by a living organism; - a term used commonly in reference to chemical substances found in nature that have distinctive pharmacological effects. Such a substance is considered a natural product even if it can be prepared by total synthesis.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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had been chartered by a syndicate of wealthy manufacturers, equipped with a laboratory and a staff of scientists, and sent out to search for some natural product which the manufacturers who footed the bills had been importing from South America at an enormous cost.
Since the FDA prevents label statements about therapeutic uses and ingredient grades, and doesn't regulate product quality, consumers must become educated about holistic health care, seek recommendations from natural product suppliers or a holistic veterinarian, and trust their chosen brand.
Look no further than the number of natural product supplement and biotechnology companies.
Call it bioprospecting, chemical prospecting, gene-hunting, or natural product research--the search for and collection of wild plants and animal products of potential value to medicine, agriculture, cosmetics, and other uses has been going on for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.
Q: As the naturals market matures, are consumers changing their expectations from a natural product? If so, how?
A senior official of the International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS), University of Karachi (UoK) said on Friday 'Iqbal Choudhary Center for Natural Product Research (ICC-NPR)' will be inaugurated in Benin, Nigeria on December 21, 2018, during an international symposium on 'Recent Discoveries in Natural Product Sciences', where Prof Iqbal Choudhary, who is heading the country's leading research establishment of ICCBS, is being invited as a guest speaker to deliver a keynote speech on natural product research at the Edo State Polytechnic (formerly Edo State Institute of Technology and Management) Usen .
KARACHI:The14th International Symposium on Natural Product Chemistry held by University of Karachi's (KU)International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS) on concluded on Thursday as scientists from across the globe shared their ideas at the said forum.
This symposium is recognised as one of the most prestigious international events in the field of natural product sciences.
Due to the diverse components of natural products, systematically integrating the readouts of genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics will dramatically facilitate our understanding of molecular mechanisms of natural product actions, as well as identifying biomarkers or targets for future research and clinical practice.
"We have studies that show that many consumers would change to a natural product in these segments if they were available.
ECB said that EarthScents will retain its distinctive brand and focus on natural product offerings.
* Fish oil is the top natural product among adults and children.

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