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(Animals) a Brazilian horsefly, Lepiselaga crassipes
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References in periodicals archive ?
It comprised the cities of Bertioga, Lins, Motuca, Itaoca and Ribeira (17, 18).
O Assentamento Monte Alegre encontra-se dentro do limite de tres municipios: Araraquara, Matao e Motuca (SP).
On 15 April 2007, a worker died and another was seriously injured by fire at an attempted controlled burn in Santa Luiza plantations, in Motuca. Adriano de Amaral, 31 years old and father of a seven year old boy and a 20 day old baby, died when the water cut out in the hose he was using to control the fire.
Tambem no Estado de Sao Paulo, sob a lideranca da Faculdade de Saude Publica da USP, constituiu-se desde o ano 2000 o Movimento por Cidades e Municipios Saudaveis (71,72), uma rede de seis municipios (Bertioga, Itaoca, Lins, Motuca, Ribeira e Sao Paulo) reunidos em torno do conceito e praticas das cidades saudaveis.