motu proprio

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motu proprio

(ˈməʊtuː ˈprəʊprɪˌəʊ)
(Roman Catholic Church) an administrative papal bull
[Latin: of his own accord]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Centi added the board initiated the wage review in different areas by 'motu proprio' (on its own) starting April 2019 since there was no petition from workers to adjust the daily compensation.
TC's proposal was made following public hearings conducted for the motu proprio initiated by the DTI to look at whether increased cement imports have caused serious injury to the domestic industry.
The PCC last year initiated a motu proprio review of the Grab-Uber merger and raised competition concerns resulting from the transactions.
The board initiated the wage review by motu proprio (on its own) since there was no petition from workers for a wage adjustment.
CCXCVII, sulla protezione dei minori e delle persone vulnerabili,, del 26 marzo 2019, commessi, in occasione dell'esercizio delle loro funzioni, dai soggetti di cui al punto 3 del Motu Proprio <<Ai nostri tempi>>, dell'I 1 luglio 2013.
It is remarkable that less than three months after the conclusion of the Vatican summit on clergy sex abuse in February, Pope Francis' new motu proprio, Vos estis lux mundi ("You are the light of the world"), establishes new laws for the universal church regarding both the scourge of abuse and the equally abhorrent covering up of such abuse.
India, May 20 -- In a significant step, on 7 May 2019, Pope Francis issued an Apostolic Letter in the form of 'motu proprio'(in Canon law 'motu proprio' refers to a document issued by the Pope on his own initiative and personally signed by him; it is legally binding).
The "Motu Proprio", a legal document issued under the pope's personal authority, declares that anyone who has knowledge of abuse, or suspects it, is "obliged to report (it) promptly" to the Church, using "easily accessible systems".
Gordon added that the committee can conduct 'motu proprio investigations into issues and controversies.'
37-197), en los dos siguientes analiza la aplicacion de estos principios al motu proprio Ecclesiae sanctae (1966) y al codigo de derecho canonico de 1983 (pp.