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n, pl -ro or -ros
(in Botswana) the traditional dugout canoe of the people of the Okavango Delta
[from a Bantu language of Botswana]
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Galefele Mokoro of Botswana won the final in a time of 51.30 second while Chikwuka Ofili of Nigeria came second in a time of 51.68 seconds and Grace Obour of Ghana came third in a time of 51.86 seconds.
The delta, he said was a source of livelihood for many communities as some practiced molapo farming along the river while some make a living out of mokoro excursions.
A girl who was allegedly defiled and impregnated at the age of 16 by Mr Evans Mokoro, Moticho Member of County Assembly in Kisii County, has filed an affidavit at the Ogembo Law Courts, asking the court to drop charges against the ward representative.
Elgeyo Marakwet Governor Alex Tolgos visited the area and condoled with families of the victims in Kotut and Mokoro locations.
I loved spotting the Big Five here on safari drives ,as well as by mokoro canoe, which is great for getting up close to rare birds and butterflies.
Although light and handy in the mokoro (dugout canoe), the recoil was ferocious.
MUST DO Take a memorable sunset ride down the river in a mokoro - a carved-out wooden raft.
It is possible to fly over the Delta by plane, go bird watching (over 400 bird species are listed), or discover the heart of the Delta by Mokoro, poled along by a guide offering a great option for the wildlife photographer, or you can simply sit on the terrace with a good book and a glass of wine enjoying the view.
After tracking wildlife by jeep, foot, horseback or "mokoro" (a dug-out canoe), you can relax in your luxury tent, take a dip in the infinity pool or enjoy a sundowner around the campfire watching for more predators on the prowl and listening to the spine-tingling sounds of the bush.
Sam Mokoro, who had worked at the state-owned Redemption Hospital, died at the John F.
Riverine communities naturally depend on dug-out canoes (Mokoro) as means of transportation.