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(Military) a naval vessel that searches for mines by electronic means
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The Small Synthetic Aperture Minehunter system contains vertically spaced rows of hydrophones for interferometric (technique to extract arrival angle of acoustic waves) data processing.
The cuts will mean the closure of RAF Cottesmore in Rutland and the immediate loss of one squadron of Harrier fast jets; reductions in overall service personnel numbers and some aspects of Army training; the early withdrawal of Nimrod MR2 surveillance planes; and the removal from service of one survey ship and one minehunter.
3722 (Lugar), the Naval Vessels Transfer Act of 2006, that included authority for the President to sell to Taiwan two Osprey-class minehunter coastal ships.
The location of HMS Hunter - whose name and sword emblem can be seen in the photograph taken deep below icy waters - had remained a mystery for the last 68 years until a minehunter found her at the bottom of a Norwegian fjord during a training operation earlier this week.
The operational sequence sees the minehunter rapidly deploy the Seafox, which can be carried by two men and launched either with a simple lightweight crane or by means of a chute even in high sea states.
A billion dollar contract for minehunter ships "was the big break which the company needed to establish itself as a major player on the international defence scene".
Like many commands, the crew of the Ingleside, Texas-based minehunter USS Shrike (MHG 62) takes the guesswork out of physical training, or PT.
While there are no plans to equip other classes of ships with the minehunter, that possibility cannot yet be ruled out.
TB&A cites the component contracts for the Patriot missile and SQQ Minehunter it manufactured during the Persian Gulf War for Raytheon Co., a manufacturer of defense-related equipment, as examples of winning back customers' faith.
And two Clydebased minehunter ships are serving in the Gulf Royal Scots Dragoon Guards commanding officer Lt Colonel Dominic Coombes said: "Christmas will always be a bittersweet time for those deployed and their families back at home."