mined area

mined area

An area declared dangerous due to the presence or suspected presence of mines.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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Tools for removing land mines need to be affordable, simple to manufacture and repair in a mined area, and 100 percent accurate under highly variable conditions.
* Quasistability of the mined area is the problem of an underground mine.
We have classified all underground mined areas as steady, subsided, stable and quasistable land [3].
"It is an honor to inform you that within the period of May 4 to August 9, 2000 the servicemen of the Moldavian National Army have fulfilled a combat mission on the demining of the eighty-five hectares of mined area located near the village of Pohrebe.
The Departments of trade and Industry and Natural and Environment have agreed to enjoin mining companies to plant bamboos as part of their rehabilitation program to restore their mined areas into productive agriculture sites.
Bamboo grows fast, [with] strong carbon absorption, effective for anti-soil erosion and, more importantly, has the ability to make the mined areas restore its conditions for agricultural purposes,' Lopez said.
During the operations which have been continuing for months to detect mined areas, Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) discovered mine in the ditches.
all mined areas are cleared and the government bans any new use of mines, said
These six dogs will accelerate the rate at which mined areas in Sri Lanka can be identified, demarcated, cleared, and double-checked to ensure that deadly persistent landmines these "hidden killers" really have been cleared.
Even though the Vietnamese defense officials were concerned primarily with mine clearance activities, they showed special interest in the MAIC's efforts to educate the local populace in Quang Tri Province (site of the former DMZ) in ways to spot and avoid mined areas. The delegation, led by Vietnamese Deputy Commander of the Ministry of National Defense, Truong Quang Khanh, was addressed by JMU professors Anne Stewart and Terry Wessel, who ran the mine awareness program from October 1998 to March 2000.