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(Broadcasting) using a radio wave with a wavelength between 100 and 1000 metres
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THREE weeks ago Radio Caroline North linked up with Manx Radio to use their 1368khz AM medium-wave frequency for a brilliant weekend of radio broadcasting.
The firm also works with the manufactures and markets Therma-Tech to providing access to Therma-Tech's full selection of medium-wave heating solutions.
With the largest worldwide medium-wave radio transmitters installed base, THOMSON Broadcast is also promoting its high-power long- and medium-wave S7HP transmitter system.
Responding to question by a listener, he strongly dispelled the impression that medium wave transmitters are being closed and said there are parts of the country especially Balochistan where even thousands of FM transmitters would not perform the job that a few medium-wave transmitters can.
Under the contract, Harris will deploy two turnkey, medium-wave radio transmission stations for the Algerian Government's Telediffusion D'Algerie (TDA), the Algerian public broadcasting corporation.
Medium-wave infrared heaters are available from Krelus AG of Hirschthal, Switzerland, which has begun marketing in the U.S., though it does not have an office here.
A short wave infra-red booster brings the power lacquer coating to the correct temperature and the medium-wave emitters retain the temperature.
A combination of fast-responding, medium-wave quartz lamps and convection drying evaporate water and solvents and break down the boundary layer resulting in evaporation of the ink solvent.