maestro di cappella

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maestro di cappella

(dɪ kəˈpɛlə)
(Classical Music) a person in charge of an orchestra, esp a private one attached to the palace of a prince in Italy during the baroque period. See capellmeister
[Italian: master of the chapel]
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Monteverdi published his Vespers in Venice in 1610, shortly before being appointed maestro di cappella at St Mark's Basilica.
While in some parts it still betrays the limits of its original purpose, this volume has the merit of presenting an accurate and detailed reconstruction of the biography and production of the maestro di cappella Benigno Zerafa (1726-1804), one of the main protagonists of the music activities at the Cathedral of Malta.
"Franchino Gaffurio a Milano: nuove notizie biografiche e documenti inediti sulla sua attivita di maestro di cappella e sulla riforma della Cappella del Duomo", in Universitatis Europae 1 (1952-1953): n.
music Summer Recital Series 2017 Enjoy a Saturday lunchtime organ recital by Hamish Dustagheer, Maestro di Cappella (Master of the Choir) of St John's Co-Cathedral, Valletta, Malta.
(27.) L'accumulo di dissonanze, l'irruenza di una musica a tal punto coinvolgente e terribile da poter esistere solo per brevi momenti--Ippolito brucera lo spartito allontanandosi nella notte tempestosa--richiamano immediatamente la figura del maestro di cappella Johannes Kreisler, nella Kreisleriana (1813) di E.T.A.
he had the distinction of succeeding Handel as maestro di cappella to Prince Francesco Maria Ruspoli at the Palazzo Bonelli in Rome, vet his output is little known today.
A parte una fortunata rappresentazione del Cortigiano onesto nel carnevale del 1791 al Teatro Valle, i testi del commediografo romano non furono quasi mai rappresentati sulle pubbliche scene, e Il maestro di cappella, recitato subito dopo II cortigiano onesto, suscitb la collera "di una platea indispettita".
The programme explores music by several composers - including Alessandro Grandi and Antonio Lotti - who were associated with the post of "maestro di cappella" at St Mark's Cathedral in Venice, which was the top job for any aspiring Italian musician.