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(Placename) an almost uninhabited island in Vanuatu. Also called: Aurora
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The Council of Ministers has approved four permanent settlements on the nearby island of Maewo, which it will lease from landowners.
People from the western and northern parts of the island were evacuated to Santo Island, while people from the eastern part were evacuated to Maewo and Pentecost islands.
Food insecurity, malnutrition and mortality in Maewo and Ambae Islands, Vanuatu.
Recently there was also a very serious case on Maewo where a chiefly council decided to attack two men because they had been suspected of tormenting the staff at the Gambule Junior Secondary School in Maewo Island with black magic.
The French ships rounded Ile Aurore (Maewo) and approached a second island, off which they anchored, as they needed fresh water and wood.
Antioco variant (1342A [right arrow] G); and Maewo (1360C [right arrow] T).
Some islands have nothing of the sort, whereas others, such as Ambrym, Maewo and the towns of Port Vila and Luganville are rife with sorcery (see Forsyth 2006; Rio 2002).