

a soluble plastic capsule containing liquid detergent or medicine
[C20: liqui(d) + tab(let)]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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This can cause burns or poisoning if the liquitab is put into a child's mouth.
MANUFACTURERS WILL NOW HAVE TO ADHERE TO NEW rules from the European Commission on the production of laundry 'liquitabs'.
Some wanted to be dentists, so we did a project on demineralising teeth and this year it's liquitab research.
RESEARCH on the remineralisation of teeth and the science behind liquitabs used in washing machines - it all sounds far too advanced for secondary school.
When I visited, A Level students were using a double period to continue their research into the science behind washing machine liquitabs.
Mum-of-two Gemma Duke, from Great Barr, is backing the project after two-year-old son Zachary squeezed a liquitab in his eyes in July.
"I left a liquitab in the washing machine drum, ready for the next wash, and Zachary picked it up and squeezed it in both of his eyes," recalled Gemma.
Birmingham mum-of-two Gemma Duke, from Great Barr, is supporting the Rospa campaign after her two-year-old son Zachary squeezed a liquitab in his eyes in July.
The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) is also backing the initiative after raising concerns over liquitab packaging.
CAPSULE SCARE for mum Juliet after little Eva bit into a liquitab as we revealed last week
The alkaline chemicals in the liquitab cause an immediate chemical burn and breathing problems as the airway starts to swell rapidly.'
A Scottish Health Board has issued a safety warning over brightly coloured detergent liquitabs after seeing an increase in cases of babies swallowing the capsules.