liquidity event

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liquidity event

(Stock Exchange) the ending of an investor's involvement in a business venture with a view to realizing a gain or loss from the investment
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CEO of Global Trust Scott Bowman said, "The decision to seek a liquidity event by listing on the NYSE marks an exciting milestone for the Company and its stockholders.
-Hurdle Rate and Graduated Incentive Fee Structure: Subject to Cannae's investments generating an 8% IRR, 15% of realized gain between 1.0x to 2.0x return on a liquidity event and 20% of realized gain over 2.0x return on a liquidity event
In anticipation of the liquidity event, Premier on Friday said it would convene a general meeting at which shareholders will be asked to approve the disposal of the Circum interest.
The Management Fee will be reduced by any cash compensation paid by Cannae to its named executive officers; Hurdle Rate and Graduated Incentive Fee Structure: Subject to Cannae's investments generating an 8% IRR, 15% of realized gain between 1.0x to 2.0x return on a liquidity event and 20% of realized gain over 2.0x return on a liquidity event; High Water Mark: Upon each liquidity event where an incentive fee is earned, Cannae will deduct for any net unrealized losses looking at the investment portfolio as a whole.
It was based on the declared premise that the business will, within a defined time period, achieve a Liquidity Event. This is defined as the moment when the real owners of the business realise the value they have been creating - either through a sale, a listing or some other eventuality.
Pluribus helps entrepreneurs exit their business, achieve a liquidity event, and see continued investment in their clients and employees through a strong growth strategy under the Pluribus umbrella.
Renaissance said it has announced and pursued a liquidity event for Topaz over the past year, including the possibility of a sale of equity.
Its desire to deliver a liquidity event which would reward existing shareholders sat front and centre of its mission to enter the equity markets last year.
"We help our clients prepare their companies for a liquidity event and then quarterback them through a managed and competitive process."
Non-interest expenses declined $29.6 million or 34.8% from Q2 2017 mainly due to a decrease in both salaries and benefits, and other operating expenses related to a liquidity event in Q2 2017, including asset impairment charges, and resolving OSC and class action matters in Q2 2017.