let bygones be bygones

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(bai) preposition
1. next to; near; at the side of. by the door; He sat by his sister.
2. past. going by the house.
3. through; along; across. We came by the main road.
4. used (in the passive voice) to show the person or thing which performs an action. struck by a stone.
5. using. He's going to contact us by letter; We travelled by train.
6. from; through the means of. I met her by chance; by post.
7. (of time) not later than. by 6 o'clock.
8. during the time of.
9. to the extent of. taller by ten centimetres.
10. used to give measurements etc. 4 metres by 2 metres.
11. in quantities of. fruit sold by the kilo.
12. in respect of. a teacher by profession.
1. near. They stood by and watched.
2. past. A dog ran by.
3. aside; away. money put by for an emergency.
ˈbygones: let bygones be bygones
to forgive and forget past causes of ill-feeling.
ˈbypass noun
a road which avoids an obstruction or a busy area. Take the bypass round the city.
to avoid (a place) by taking such a road.
ˈby-product noun
something obtained or formed during the making of something else. Coal tar is a by-product of the process of obtaining gas from coal.
ˈbystander noun
a person who watches but does not take part.
by and by
after a short time. By and by, everyone went home.
by and large
mostly; all things considered. Things are going quite well, by and large.
by oneself
1. alone. He was standing by himself at the bus-stop.
2. without anyone else's help. He did the job (all) by himself.
by the way
incidentally. By the way, have you a moment to spare?

by is used for forms of transport: by train ; by aeroplane ; by land ; by sea
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in classic literature ?
Good land, I'm willing to let bygones be bygones, I'm sure."
If he'll do that we'll let bygones be bygones. After all, we've been married for seventeen years.
Let bygones be bygones. So this calling follows the rest.
Over a decade might have passed since his love story with Aishwarya Rai ended, but a section of the media does not want to let bygones be bygones.
After all the ructions he's been through with Andy and Katie, he's still willing to let bygones be bygones and ask Andy to be best man at his wedding.
Nevertheless, he "just let bygones be bygones there and let that be."
Let bygones be bygones. Don't hold on to a grudge for too long.
Lahore, May 15 ( ANI ): Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) chief Nawaz Sharif has declared a moratorium on all the bruising duels he had with Imran Khan in the run-up to the 2013 elections, and has visited the ailing Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader in the hospital to ask him to let bygones be bygones.
In the end, the general conclusion of the investigation of President Ivanov will be "reasonable compromise," let bygones be bygones, what will be will be, not to be repeated and the opposition to return to the Parliament, Rizaov concludes.
| BAGHDAD, Feb 14 (KUNA) -- Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki on Tuesday urged the State of Kuwait to put all the bad memories behind and let bygones be bygones.