

a.1.See Leachy.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
The letchy Crimpy Crisp salesman who swore he could make me a second Jean Shrimpton if I met him for a photo-session above Dirty Willie's bookshop, adding: "Bring your swimsuit." I indicated where he could put his camera, then me and the quines laughed so much we near cowked on the sausage rolls we kept nicking.
groped a For another friend it was the letchy university lecturer.
Last week's Poldark episode featured a stomach-churning scene where a letchy vicar made a meal from some woman's big toe.
bit like drunken letchy uncle at a wedding who doesn't get the message.
Ladies in the UAE often complain of letchy approaches from men.
New York, Nov 11 (ANI): Bernie Madoff, the man behind the largest financial fraud in US history, was 'inappropriately letchy', alleges his future daughter-in-law.
By this point the lads were becoming uncomfortably letchy so we left the bar and headed back to our hotel to end our night early --but at least safe."
Mike hits the roof when Sarah brings Roger home to stay, and is relieved when she decides to dump the letchy lecturer after he makes a pass at Zoe.
He's a lovely lad, why doesn't she just get back with him and leave his letchy dad alone?
"He also gets very jealous at the thought of other players and even fans looking at his girlfriend in a letchy way.
But if they think that lewd remarks and letchy guys were exclusive to the airwaves they are sorely mistaken.
She could always agree on tongue then, at the last minute, change her mind so he's immortalised as a letchy idiot on commemorative plates for the rest of time.