leave behind

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Related to leave behind: Left Behind

leave behind

vb (tr)
1. (adverb) to forget or neglect to bring or take
2. to cause to remain as a result or sign of something: the storm left a trail of damage behind.
3. to pass: once the wind came up, we soon left the land behind us.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.leave behind - depart and not take along; "He left behind all his possessions when he moved to Europe"
leave behind, leave - be survived by after one's death; "He left six children"; "At her death, she left behind her husband and 11 cats"
outdistance, outstrip, distance - go far ahead of; "He outdistanced the other runners"
2.leave behind - be survived by after one's death; "He left six children"; "At her death, she left behind her husband and 11 cats"
widow - cause to be without a spouse; "The war widowed many women in the former Yugoslavia"
leave behind - depart and not take along; "He left behind all his possessions when he moved to Europe"
bequeath, will, leave - leave or give by will after one's death; "My aunt bequeathed me all her jewelry"; "My grandfather left me his entire estate"
3.leave behind - leave unchanged or undisturbed or refrain from taking; "leave it as is"; "leave the young fawn alone"; "leave the flowers that you see in the park behind"
let - leave unchanged; "let it be"
refrain, forbear - resist doing something; "He refrained from hitting him back"; "she could not forbear weeping"
leave - have left or have as a remainder; "That left the four of us"; "19 minus 8 leaves 11"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

w>leave behind

vt sep
the car, the childrendalassen, zurücklassen; fingerprints, chaoshinterlassen; the pasthinter sich (dat)lassen; we’ve left all that behind usdas alles liegt hinter uns; we’ve left all our worries behind us (= settled)wir sind alle Sorgen los; (= forgotten)wir haben all unsere Sorgen vergessen
(= outstrip)hinter sich (dat)lassen; he left all his fellow students behinder stellte alle seine Kommilitonen in den Schatten
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in classic literature ?
A Roman gentleman stood by his side and explained to him the skilful construction and ingenuity of the vast fabric and its wonderful architecture, and when they had left the skylight he said to the emperor, 'A thousand times, your Sacred Majesty, the impulse came upon me to seize your Majesty in my arms and fling myself down from yonder skylight, so as to leave behind me in the world a name that would last for ever.' 'I am thankful to you for not carrying such an evil thought into effect,' said the emperor, 'and I shall give you no opportunity in future of again putting your loyalty to the test; and I therefore forbid you ever to speak to me or to be where I am; and he followed up these words by bestowing a liberal bounty upon him.
"Now I have got you," said Sancho; "in that case the fame of them who bring the dead to life, who give sight to the blind, cure cripples, restore health to the sick, and before whose tombs there are lamps burning, and whose chapels are filled with devout folk on their knees adoring their relics be a better fame in this life and in the other than that which all the heathen emperors and knights-errant that have ever been in the world have left or may leave behind them?"
It is also much better for those tyrants who quit their kingdom to do this than to leave behind them money they have hoarded up; for their regents will be much less desirous of making innovations, and they are more to be dreaded by absent tyrants than the citizens; for such of them as he suspects he takes with him, but these regents must be left behind.
She has written "The Stories We Leave Behind: A Legacy-Based Approach to Dealing with Stuff" for the specific purpose of helping the reader in preserving their personal stories for the benefit of future generations.
There are around 19,000 students in NUI Galway and they leave behind so much waste and unwanted stuff and up until now that has been dumped.
Taxi passengers sometimes leave behind belongings of all sorts, from gadgets and shopping bags to cases full of cash and even jewellery.
Illustrated with vintage black-and-white photographs and reproductions of correspondence throughout, What We Leave Behind: Four Generations in Cicero, Illinois (None of Them Knew Al Capone) is a multigenerational family memoir.