lay person

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lay person



n, pl lay persons, lay people, laypersons or laypeople
1. a person who is not a member of the clergy
2. a person who does not have specialized or professional knowledge of a subject: a lay person's guide to conveyancing.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Will it be natural for a lay person to advise a priest, or SOP for a lay person to conduct a recollection, or be invited as a speaker in a priests' recollection or a bishops' conference?
The bookt will be of interest to the historian focusing on fashion as well as the lay person who enjoys reading about cultural history.
"The lay person is not going to know how to round up sheep let alone take them away.
"It was a really interesting experience writing, firstly from the perspective of a lay person, then reflecting on the experience of being ordained and wearing a dog collar.
A lay person may fear retribution when coming before the candidate who becomes a new judge or successfully runs for re-election to the bench.
This makes it ideal for the lay person responder and a perfect companion product to an AED programme.
Woodbine, MD, July 02, 2014 --( Today, Saltbox Consulting published A Lay Person's Guide to the Hobby Lobby Decision.
Why are you picking on me?" The deity answered, "You are an ascetic monk; not a lay person. You are a role model for those people, somewhat of a celebrity; you are someone they look up to as an example of how to behave.
If nothing else, a lay person might have expected the authorities to be wary of inflicting on the general public someone with such a well-earned nickname.
Examination of this hologram showed, however, that while it was undoubtedly good enough to pass examination by a lay person, close scrutiny revealed it as a fake, and under magnification it was relatively easy to identify the differences from a genuine hologram.
| SIR - Welsh Government Health Minister Mark Drakeford has outdated ideas which make no sense to the lay person or average reader.