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1. (Historical Terms) a mercenary foot soldier in late 15th-, 16th-, and 17th-century Europe, esp a German pikeman
2. (Military) a mercenary foot soldier in late 15th-, 16th-, and 17th-century Europe, esp a German pikeman
[German, literally: landknight]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(Ger. ˈlɑntsˌknɛxt)

a European mercenary foot soldier of the 16th century, armed with a pike.
[1820–30; < German]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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"It is of no consequence," said Philip, smoothing his hair; "my cousin Charles is not handsome, but he is very brave, and fought like a landsknecht; and if he continues to fight thus, no doubt he will finish by gaining a battle, like Rocroy "
For instance, today's PMCs had as their antecedents the sixteenth-century German Landsknecht mercenary bands and the Italian condottieri.
Martin wields a great two-handed Landsknecht sword in the subsequent sack of the city.
A Syllable boundary Two-cluster /p f/ Apfel /n z/ Insel /k s/ Ochse /m p/ empor /x h/ hochherziger Three-cluster /[??] [integral] p/ Singspiel /m [integral]w/ umschwebt /t[integral] r/ glitschriger /ct g/ macht'ger /rm h/ barmherzig /[??]s [integral]/ Entzuckungsschauer /s [integral] n/ blitzesschnell Four-cluster /c tst/ achzte /rc [integral]t/ durchstobert' /nf ts/ funfzehn /ts kn/ Landsknecht Five-cluster /ft [integral]tr/ Luftstrom; kraftstrotzend /pst g/ Selbstgefuhl /xt [integral]tr/ Prachtstrasse /rnt ts/ schimmernd Zwerge /rnst l/ ernstlich Six-cluster /lpst kl/ selbstklebend /rpst bl/ Herbstblume Seven-cluster /lpst tsv/ Selbstzweck (assimilates to /lpst ...
On the origins of "Frisch auf, ihr Landsknecht alle!" see Bohme, 521-24 (no.
The repertoire includes portrait busts Philip I of Hesse and Christine of Saxony, together with full-length portraits of Landsknecht soldiers and representations of the Temptation, both themes widely represented among earthenware stove-tiles of northern Germany at this time, and taken directly from the Lutheran visual catechism.
There are disquisitions on everything from the Landsknecht (a Renaissance infantryman) to the chibook (a Turkish pipe) and everyone from the Jazyges ("an Iranian speaking branch of the Sarmatians mentioned by Herodotus") to the Uniats (a Greco-Catholic sect), from St.
1535; also acquired by Charles II), and a drawing by Leonardo of a masquerader dressed fancifully as a Landsknecht. Leonardo was, after all, the greatest Renaissance prize that could be won by a northern ruler and, as such, his move to the France of Francois I in 1516 represented a significant shift of cultural power.
The very nature of warfare being endemic and systemic would render the sort of "big lie" propaganda that works in the twentieth century, because of out distance from events, worthless in an age which could see "the chamois hunter's" Landsknechts fleeing down the road as fast as their pluderhosen-clad legs could carry them.
1493); engaged in minor border warfare during the 1490s and early 1500s; led a large contingent of landsknechts in the French invasion of Italy (1513); fought with distinction at the battle of Novara, saving the lives of two of his sons (June 6, 1513); allied himself with King Charles I of Spain (the future Emperor Charles V) (1518), but deserted his cause when reconciled with King Francis I of France, and declared war on Charles (1521); invaded Luxembourg and laid siege to Virton (April 1521), thus provoking war between Francis and Charles; defeated and driven from many of his lands, he lost Bouillon itself; restored to his lands by the treaty of Madrid (January 14, 1526), he was unable to recover his holdings before his death (1536).
[145] On the morning of 6 May, the footsoldiers of Charles V, about 20,000 Landsknechts and Spaniards, stormed into the city, where they slaughtered, pillaged, tortured, and raped for weeks.