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The refurbished Farmhouse Kitchen Tea Room was also available for us to enjoy, tea, coffee and delicious cake was served by the staff.
THIS 1.8-mile walk starts at Old Kitchen tea room, Arlington Court, near Barnstaple, Devon.
1 From the Old Kitchen tea room, walk down the tarmac road, following the signs to the lake and wider estate.
There will also be a range of homemade refreshments available to buy from Alice's Vintage Kitchen Tea Room.
In 1938, a priest asked whether it was permissible to have 'what is called a "Kitchen Tea", in a local hall during Lent, a time when the church frowned on the celebration of marriage.
"We're just a vegetable garden on a grand scale," says a wiry Robert over a drink in the farm's country kitchen tea room, part of an ambitious expansion scheme he invested in a few years ago to cater for the hordes of people who descend on his 50-acre farm throughout the year.
Heavily soiled underwear was found to have been washed among kitchen tea towels.