kitchen knife

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kitchen knife

ncoltello da cucina
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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As she took the cover off a second frying pan and stirred the savory contents with a kitchen knife, he came behind her, passed his arms under her arm-pits with down-drooping hands upon her breasts, and bent his head over her shoulder till cheek touched cheek.
It is understood a suspect attacked the officer with a nine-inch kitchen knife in Castle Vale yesterday morning.
He pleaded guilty to robbery, stealing PS80 cash, a bottle of cider and cigarettes at Madeley on April 11 with a separate charge of possessing a bladed article - a kitchen knife.
"One had a kitchen knife. They went to the cash register and made off with money from inside."
shane2 Why the hell do you need a point on a kitchen knife? OK so there are other things people can use to stab, but they need to be at hand, and the murder weapon of choice nine times out of 10 is the good old kitchen knife.
A DRUNK yob found with a huge kitchen knife in his pocket after rowing with bar staff at a city centre hotel claimed he bought it at a pound shop - for PS2.50 - and forgot about it.
A woman was caught on camera slicing her partner's hand with a kitchen knife as she "swung" it around in a drunken row.
Investigators later recovered a kitchen knife with a 3 1/2-inch blade from the kitchen floor, a kitchen knife with a 4.75-inch blade from the living room floor, two kitchen knives from the top of the coffee table, a small folding knife from the living room floor and a silver folding knife from the hallway floor by the kitchen.
by poisoning his son, Zian Paolo, with a yet unknown chemical, before killing himself by stabbing his stomach several times using a kitchen knife.
When he was arrested, he was found to have a small kitchen knife, along with five wraps of white powder.
Multipack kitchen knife sets will still be available, but will be security tagged for extra protection.
A MAN has been arrested in connection with a robbery in which a large kitchen knife was brandished at shop staff.