kill box

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kill box

A three-dimensional area reference that enables timely, effective coordination and control and facilitates rapid attacks.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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Reports of his frustration and rage suggest that he knows he has been maneuvered, partly by his own mistakes, into a kill box from which there may be no bloodless exit.
Another spatial effect which has been developed by drone operations is the reconceptualisation of the traditional two-dimensional field of battle as a deterritorialised three-dimensional space of performance, a kill box, which corresponds to what Eyal Weitzman describes as the 'politics of verticality'.
Joscelyn wrote in The Weekly Standard that the full quote actually supports the argument that al Qaeda's 'reserves' have been removed from the drones' kill box. It is quite obvious that improvised explosive devices, car bombs, small arms and the like cannot take out unmanned drones.
The exhausted Marines and Afghan Army commandos, on the second day of a long foot patrol together, were caught in the kill box of an enemy ambush.
I flubbed my shot, paying too much attention to javelina other than the one I had in my kill box. No worries.
Our initial wahoo was graying in the kill box when Capt.
But as he sat in the witness chair before members of the House Energy & Commerce Committee's investigations panel, lawmakers made him watch a second video that showed workers dragging a sick cow to the "kill box" so it could be slaughtered.
As he headed back to our previous kill box, I was cleared into the left pod.
Within four months, however, the Air Land Sea Application Center published Field Manual 3-09.34, Kill Box Multi-Service Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures [MTTP] for Kill Box Employment, 14 June 2005, and the Office of the Secretary of Defense commissioned a joint test and evaluation of the new MTTP.
Their goal is to have Bush stuff al-Qaeda, Hamas, Hizbullah, Syria, and Iran into an 'Islamofascist' kill box, then let [Strategic Air Command] do the rest."The funniest thing I read, if there is anything funny about the whole thing, is what the clown Stephen Schwartz wrote in The Weekly Standard, the mouthpiece of the neo-conservatives.
The T55s showed themselves, blundered into the Challengers' "kill box", and were picked off one by one at a range of nearly a mile.