Kilkenny cats

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Kil`ken´ny cats

n.1.Two cats fabled, in an Irish story, to have fought till nothing was left but their tails. It is probably a parable of a local contest between Kilkenny and Irishtown, which impoverished both towns.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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if it wasn't mesilf thin that was mad as a Kilkenny cat I shud like to be tould who it was!
Prime Minister Theresa May must be in despair as she watches members of the Tory Party tearing into each other like Kilkenny cats.
He had added that both the top officials of the investigating agency were "fighting like Kilkenny cats."
The House of Commons is beginning to resemble a den of wild Kilkenny cats, fighting, biting, snarling.
Their bickering is "worse than a couple of Kilkenny cats." She's English, which is anathema to Tavish, with his Irish roots; his grandmother still remembers being evicted from the family farm by the English.
The old-timers like me are dying out, Labour needs to get its act together and sort themselves out with a proper set of policies, stop the vacuous promises and get down to trying to win an election, not fight like Kilkenny cats over nothing.
"You'll have to fight like 'Kilkenny Cats' he was told." They did and 47 prisoners were captured together with a quantity of equipment.
And the Panelists are all performing together at the Kilkenny Cats Laugh festival this summer.
Kilkenny cats, On Wenlock Edge, and Heart of Midlothian.
While the Tories are fighting among themselves like Kilkenny cats, Labour are quietly getting their act together for what may well be their final party conference before the next General Election.