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slang a lavatory; toilet
[C19: from casa, case a brothel, from Italian casa a house; modern spelling probably influenced by khaki]
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For next 24 hours, Flood Forecasting Department Lahore predicted isolated thunderstorm and rain of moderate intensity over upper catchments of all major rivers including Rawalpindi, Gujranwala, Lahore, Dera Khazi Khan, Kohat, Bannu and Dera Ismail Khan Divisions besides eastern Balochistan.
"This guy had this nasty habit of taking a dump in the shared khazi while smoking a cigar, so we took to referring to him as 'Sh*t and Cigars,"" said the insider.
It is all too much, I retreat to the khazi where a plentiful collection of pamphlets and various small books are provided for the discerning reader.
The first obstacle would be the derision of fellow khazi users; be it the UFO nettle in the Bigg Market, the subterranean bunker-bog at Marlborough Crescent bus station or one of the lairy pubs on the 'Gaza Strip' near the Grainger Market.
Oweise Khazi, senior principal at Gartner and lead Amazon analyst, called the market "potentially a gold mine" in part because so many consumers trust Amazon.
In Dubai, a picnic-goer, Gizala Khazi, said littering in parks is very common during weekends.
Especially when he ate a sheep's head and had to dash to the khazi then found out his ancestors had their regal clobber whitened with urine by servants p*** on them.
Plan B is leave behind an appalling impression in Pep's executive khazi.
According to details, two buses collided with each other at the Multan Road near Dera Khazi Khan on Sunday, killing 10 persons on the spot and injuring at least 50 others, including many children.