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[ˈxɑː~zhə] Njarcha f
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Rachid Taoussi, qui avait donc opte pour le defi d'empocher les 3 derniers points du match, allait reussir dans sa mission en remportant le match [beaucoup moins que] retour [beaucoup plus grand que] face au Mozambique sur un score large de (4-0) grace aux buts d'Abdelaziz Barrada, Houssine Kharja, Youssef El-Arabi et Nordin Amrabat.
The "Kharja" of traditional clothes, in its sixth edition, marked by a festive atmosphere impregnated with the bright and brilliant colours of the different clothes, addresses a message that calls for continuation, life, loyalty and patriotism but also to the attachment to traditions and customs, mirrored through the "melia," "kaftan," "houli," "sefsari," "haik," djellaba," "burnous," "balgha," etc.
kharja) of some of his muwashshah (strophic) poems, (7) but the bulk of the surviving examples come from the early Abbasid period.
Brazilian midfielder Leo Lima is also said to on the verge of leaving Al Nasr, with the club thought to be in talks with Moroccan midfielder Houssine Kharja, 31, from Qatar's Al Arabi and formerly of Italy's Roma, Inter Milan and Fiorentina.
Request for best offers and proposals in a public auction for the leasing and exploitation of Al Kharja tourist Hotel and annexes including the surrounding park and chalets.
Benazir Bhutto, Kharja Policy Haqaiq Ke Roshni May, (Urdu) Lahore, Musawat Press, 1978, P.
Le Bresilien Nene (Al-Gharrafa) a ecope de 9 matches de suspension et de 67.000 euros d'amende pour la bagarre l'ayant oppose au Marocain Houcine Kharja (Al-Arabi) en demi-finale de Coupe de la Ligue du Qatar la semaine derniere, a annonce hier mardi la Federation du Qatar de football.
However, the game ended on a sour note when Abdulla Mrafiya and Husseine Kharja were sent off for an angry confrontation with Brazilian star Nene.
Morocco played an outstanding match that saw them score four superb goals from Abdelaziz Barrada, Houssine Kharja, Youssef Al Arabi and Nordin Amrabat to overturn the tie and see themselves into the Afcon tournament in South Africa next year.