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Related to kakotopia: Cacotopia, Anti utopia


a state in which the worst possible conditions exist in government, society, law, etc. Cf. Utopia.
See also: Utopia
a state in which the worst possible conditions exist in government, society, law, etc. See also utopia.
See also: Government
a state in which the worst possible conditions exist in government, society, law. etc. See also utopia.
See also: Society
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Chapter Twelve, "How the half-worlds go, and how eutopia may come; and what we need before we can build Jerusalem in any green and pleasant land," introduces kakotopia (Mumford translates it as "bad place"), but it is used only once, with no emphasis on kakos being the opposite of kalos, "beautiful." Dystopia had not come into use in 1922.
The dissociation of science from social life that has been accelerating in the western world since the seventeenth century brings about "dehumanization" (276) and kakotopia. He calls for a definite hierarchy of human values to be recognized and served by a balanced "ecology" (279) of the sciences.
He examines utopian and eutopian writing, including pornotopia, ecotopia and motopia as well as dystopias (or "kakotopias") such as subtopia, phrenotopia, agathopia and queutopia.