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1. faeces
2. rubbish
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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noun (S. African taboo)
1. faeces, shit (taboo slang), excrement, stool, muck, manure, dung, droppings, waste matter His shoes were covered in kak.
2. rubbish, nonsense, garbage (informal), balls (taboo slang), bull (slang), rot, crap (taboo slang), bullshit (taboo slang), bollocks (Brit. taboo slang), cobblers (Brit. taboo slang), drivel, tripe (informal), claptrap (informal), poppycock (informal), pants, shit (taboo slang) Now you're just talking kak.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
References in periodicals archive ?
Kapil Kak's petition claimed the amendments struck at the heart of the principles on which the State of Jammu and Kashmir integrated into India, especially as they had no affirmation or sanction from the people of Jammu and Kashmir which, according to the petition, is a constitutional imperative as far as the State of Jammu and Kashmir is concerned.
"We are providing a safe space to talk about sexuality and sexual health," Kak said.
He informed that the diversions had been made from Zero Point where no traffic was allowed to enter Koral Chowk, Khanna Pul areas leading towards Kak Pul.
In June 2017, a woman named Sat Pha accused the four Boeung Kak land activists of intentional violence and loss of personal property.
The motorists will use the route consisting of Kak Pul, PWD, Soan Garden, Katchehry Road and Peshawar Road to enter Islamabad.
Pritom se istice intelektualna ogranicenost zene, cime se potvrduje postojanje stereotipnoga poimanja visokih intelektualnih sposobnosti muskarca kao svojevrsne norme i niskih intelektualnih sposobnosti zene kao otklona od te norme u naivnoj slici svijeta odrazenoj u jeziku (glupa kao kokos, zjiynan KaK Kypuifa).
Lokman, who donned an orange t-shirt that mimics the MACC signature 'lock-up uniform', went on to lead the group to sing 'God save Kak Ros' (Allah selamatkan Kak Ros).
He listed the six vehicles to include, Honda CRV Jeep with Registration Number LP 173 KJA, Honda CRV Jeep with Registration No AE 704 KAK, Honda CRV Reg AH 456 KAK, Honda CRV Reg No BV 901 AGL, Honda CRV Reg No MUS 437 EL and Toyota Hilux jeep with Reg No MKA 780 PH.
Subhash Kak, a professor of electrical and computer engineering at Oklahoma University, told the paper that if "indeed machines become self-aware, they will be cunning and they will bide their time and choose the best moment to take over and enslave, if not kill, us."
According to reporter, the editor of the book is Sanjay Kak, a known filmmaker and writer.
"Farewell Analog" revolves around the character of a man called Kak Saee, who buys a used camera for benefit, but the camera changes his own life and the lives of all the villagers.