
Related to institutive: initiative


1. concerned with instituting and establishing
2. established by custom or law
ˈinstiˌtutively adv
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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La primera entiende Iglesia asimilable al Estado como societas perfecta et inaequalis, autonoma y soberana, con estructuras semejantes a los estados, pero con un acto institutive propio y un fin distinto.
In Derrida's terms, this latter is the assumption of a "metalanguage" that would validate as more grounded or authoritative than others, the structure of meaning in which the law makes itself intelligible: "No justificatory discourse could or should ensure the role of metalanguage in relation to the performativity of institutive language [...]" (Derrida 2002, 241).
The bank had launched the older version of the app last Tuesday billing it as simple and institutive, which had features like biometric access for extra security.
* Artistic people describe themselves as expressive, original, institutive, creative, disorderly, nonconforming, intuitive, creative, disorderly, nonconforming, introspective and independent.
Mandviwalla stated that government has presented the poultry friendly budget and special tax institutive have been given to poultry industry.
adjusted to real needs of businesses) support from the government side (in a regulative, institutive and fiscal sense).
These are forces that tend to be repetitious and can paralyze and can go against institutive drive.
Al Hawaj honoured as the best institutive innovative personality and accorded the golden medal in Istanbul international exhibition of inventions by Turkey's Science, Industry and Technology Minister Fikri Is?k.
This evident-making activity of consciousness--in the present case a spontaneous activity that is hard to explore--is the "original constitution", stated more pregnantly, the primally institutive constitution, of ideal objectivities of the sort with which logic is concerned.
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