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a person who inputs
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Karen Ogg, 60, started as an advertising inputter in 1989 and now works as a marketing executive at the firm's office in Marischal Square.
Thus, any rule requiring a designer, inputter, or operator to take the stand as a condition of admitting a machine conveyance should be justified based on the inability of jurors, without such testimony, to assess the black box dangers.
(Phillippi Creek is the largest inputter of fresh water and nutrients into Sarasota Bay.)
An inputter then, er, inputted it before the compositors and printers got to work.
To my knowledge it should be used as a tool to give a basic roster then the inputter can make alterations to accommodate requests, annual leave etc.
For Miles Hunt, a part-time 18-year-old litter picker at the NEC turned casual data inputter at Coventry's dole office - - where he used his mundane job as "dream space" - - it was the first time he had ever set foot at a festival.
The system also includes three groups of users: the general user, the operator (i.e., the data inputter), and the administrator.
Pat, aged 64, a retired data inputter for the NHS, and Ray, 66, who is a health and safety manager, are already firm cruise fans.
The data inputter did not make a judgement on whether or not the referral or diagnosis was appropriate or not.
A podgy police report inputter revealed to a witness giving a statement how she was not a real police officer, because of "cutbacks", of course.
These range from a trainee accountant in Manchester (from pounds 11,000) and a data administrator in Leeds (from pounds 14,000) to a data inputter in Portsmouth (pounds 6.50 an hour), a trainee data analyst in Birmingham (from pounds 12,500) and an accounts payable clerk in Kings Lynn (pounds 13,000).
Pushy Liz, 25, was in fact a typist and data inputter in the back office of the bank where she worked before joining the show.