input-output analysis

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input-output analysis

(Economics) economics an analysis of production relationships between the industries of an economy involving a study of each industry's inputs and outputs, esp as used in social accounting
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Blair (2009) Input-output Analysis: Foundations and Extensions (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
The study used an 'input-output analysis' of the national economy to determine the economic impact as well as the multiplier effect on gross domestic product, household income, and employment-all three of which fell during the five-year period due to smuggling in the selected industries, the study said.
Input-output analysis reveals that each job in the aggregates industry supports an additional 4.87 jobs throughout the economy.
Using input-output analysis, the study establishes a high correlation and then ponders the post-mining boom environment now being experienced.
The input-output analysis is usually made for the whole countries, because it is derived from the national symmetric input-output tables published by local statistical office.
Among the topics are an empirical study of the mutual independent relationship between China's economic growth and energy consumption, the application and development of input-output analysis in China, a record of major events in the history of the organization 1979-2009, the memorabilia of the Enterprise Committee 1985-1997, an edited selection of speeches from the founding, and remembering the workshop in the Summer Palace.
In which activity might you perform an input-output analysis? 6.
But are these simply directly proportional to the country's purchasing power (its Gross Domestic Product), or must we use environmental input-output analysis for all categories of goods and services in order to arrive at net resource consumption and emissions?
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