infectious disease

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Noun1.infectious disease - a disease transmitted only by a specific kind of contact
communicable disease - a disease that can be communicated from one person to another
acquired immune deficiency syndrome, AIDS - a serious (often fatal) disease of the immune system transmitted through blood products especially by sexual contact or contaminated needles
brucellosis, Gibraltar fever, Malta fever, Mediterranean fever, Rock fever, undulant fever - infectious bacterial disease of human beings transmitted by contact with infected animals or infected meat or milk products; characterized by fever and headache
Asiatic cholera, cholera, epidemic cholera, Indian cholera - an acute intestinal infection caused by ingestion of contaminated water or food
breakbone fever, dandy fever, dengue, dengue fever - an infectious disease of the tropics transmitted by mosquitoes and characterized by rash and aching head and joints
dysentery - an infection of the intestines marked by severe diarrhea
epidemic disease - any infectious disease that develops and spreads rapidly to many people
hepatitis - inflammation of the liver caused by a virus or a toxin
glandular fever, infectious mononucleosis, kissing disease, mono, mononucleosis - an acute disease characterized by fever and swollen lymph nodes and an abnormal increase of mononuclear leucocytes or monocytes in the bloodstream; not highly contagious; some believe it can be transmitted by kissing
Hansen's disease, leprosy - chronic granulomatous communicable disease occurring in tropical and subtropical regions; characterized by inflamed nodules beneath the skin and wasting of body parts; caused by the bacillus Mycobacterium leprae
listeria meningitis, listeriosis - an infectious disease of animals and humans (especially newborn or immunosuppressed persons) caused by the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes; in sheep and cattle the infection frequently involves the central nervous system and causes various neurological symptoms
meningitis - infectious disease characterized by inflammation of the meninges (the tissues that surround the brain or spinal cord) usually caused by a bacterial infection; symptoms include headache and stiff neck and fever and nausea
epidemic parotitis, mumps - an acute contagious viral disease characterized by fever and by swelling of the parotid glands
paratyphoid, paratyphoid fever - any of a variety of infectious intestinal diseases resembling typhoid fever
acute anterior poliomyelitis, infantile paralysis, polio, poliomyelitis - an acute viral disease marked by inflammation of nerve cells of the brain stem and spinal cord
ratbite fever - either of two infectious diseases transmitted to humans by the bite of a rat or mouse; characterized by fever and headache and nausea and skin eruptions
rickettsial disease, rickettsiosis - infectious disease caused by ticks or mites or body lice infected with rickettsial bacteria
recurrent fever, relapsing fever - marked by recurring high fever and transmitted by the bite of infected lice or ticks; characterized by episodes of high fever and chills and headache and muscle pain and nausea that recur every week or ten days for several months
rheumatic fever - a severe disease chiefly of children and characterized by painful inflammation of the joints and frequently damage to the heart valves
miliary fever, sweating sickness - epidemic in the 15th and 16th centuries and characterized by profuse sweating and high mortality
T.B., tuberculosis, TB - infection transmitted by inhalation or ingestion of tubercle bacilli and manifested in fever and small lesions (usually in the lungs but in various other parts of the body in acute stages)
enteric fever, typhoid, typhoid fever - serious infection marked by intestinal inflammation and ulceration; caused by Salmonella typhosa ingested with food or water
pertussis, whooping cough - a disease of the respiratory mucous membrane
frambesia, framboesia, yaws - an infectious tropical disease resembling syphilis in its early stages; marked by red skin eruptions and ulcerating lesions
black vomit, yellow fever, yellow jack - caused by a flavivirus transmitted by a mosquito
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
Ah, friend, an infectious disease is indeed a misfortune, for now we poor and miserable folk must perforce keep apart from one another, lest the infection be increased.
le Directeur!' Am I supposed to have an infectious disease?"
The Lady Blanche avoided her as if she had been an infectious disease. Only the Earl himself kept up a sly occasional acquaintance with her, when out of the jurisdiction of his ladies.
The "Infectious Disease Diagnostics: World Market Analysis: HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis, Tuberculosis, STDs, HAIs, ID/AST, Influenza, TORCH, Other" report has been added to's offering.
Keywords: Conflict, Emergence, Infectious Diseases, Jordan, Syrian Crisis, Syrian Refugee.
How to Prevent Spread of Infectious Diseases in the Workplace
Evotec AG (ETR: EVT) and Sanofi SA (EPA: SAN) have entered into exclusive negotiations to discuss an Evotec-led infectious disease research and development via an open innovation platform, the companies disclosed on Thursday.
The main theme of the conference is "Global impact on the Control, Treatment and Elimination of Infectious Diseases" which covers a wide range of critically important sessions from basic research to innovations in the area of Infectious Diseases.
The escalating incidences of infectious diseases and the enhanced management & control of infectious diseases is driving the growth in the global infectious disease treatment market.
The researchers analyzed all cases of youth under age 20 years with an infectious disease diagnosis who were included in the nationally representative Kids' Inpatient Database for 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009, and 2012.
Objective: To assess the existing preparedness level of a tertiary care hospital with reference to international protocol for outbreak of infectious diseases during disaster.
As part of the collaboration, tests from Fast-track Diagnostics' comprehensive infectious disease menu will be developed for use on Biocartis' innovative molecular diagnostics (MDx) platform, Idylla.

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